*Athletes under 12 can try out and the coaches will determine if they are ready for the DEVO program.
Develop: Open Water Swim Skills / Bike Handling Skills / Run Efficiency / Quick Transitions / Race Tactics
April-May: Monday / Wednesday - U of M Outdoor Run 6:00-7:30 / Swim 7:45-8:45Saturday BHP 10-12
June - August:Tuesday / Thursday 6:30-8:30pm and Saturdays* 9-12 June -August Birds Hill Park East Beach* {Most Saturdays when no competition}
Program cost: $750+GST (April - August) plus a Triathlon Manitoba Membership
Equipment needed: ROAD Bike in good working order (Helmet / Goggles/ Running shoes / TEAM Racing and training KIT available for purchase)
DEVO Coaches for 2024 Coach DAVE / Coach JEN